ETSIAESchoolAdministrative Units & General ServicesStudents Affairs

Students Affairs

The purpose of the Deputy Directorate of Students Affairs is to channel those students' activities which are not strictly academic, promoting their comprehensive education and facilitating their integration, on the one hand, to the centre, at the beginning of their studies, and on the other hand, their access to the labour market, after graduation. For that purpose, it promotes all those events and calls that may be of students' interest to complete their academic education (cultural, sports, solidarity activities; student visits, conference cycles, etc.) and, in parallel, enhance the so-called skills or cross-curricular competences as well as their emotional intelligence. This Deputy Directorate also supports student associations and meets the students' demands through Collaboration Grants; travel, meal and lecture notes grants, etc. Finally, it supports those initiatives that improve both School and UPM visibility.

Location and Contact

Students Affairs (Extensión Universitaria)
Directorate Office B119, Building B 1st floor
ETS Ingeniería Aeronáutica y del Espacio
Plaza del Cardenal Cisneros, 3
28040 Madrid

  +34 91 06 75560


Open to the public


Monday to Friday 9:00-14:00



Unit Administrative Staff

Beatriz Cangas Rumeu

Susana Novo Ramos