General Competences
CG1.- | Possess and understand the knowledge that provides a basis or an opportunity to be genuine while developing and/or applying ideas, often in a research context. |
CG2.- | Students should be able to apply the acquired knowledge as well as their ability to troubleshooting within new or unknown environments, in broad and complex contexts (or cross-disciplinary) related to their area of study. |
CG3.- | Students should be able to integrate knowledge and face the complexity of making judgments based on information that, being incomplete or limited, includes insights on the social and ethical responsibilities linked to their knowledge and judgments application. |
CG4.- | Students should be able to convey their conclusions, the knowledge and underlying reasons, both to specialised and non-specialised audiences in a clear and unambiguous way. |
CG5.- | Students should have those learning skills allowing them to continue their studies in a self-directed or autonomous manner. |
CG6.- | Students should have the ability to integrate respect for the environment while developing their activities. |
Cross-Curricular Competences
CT1.- | Ability to understand lectures, conferences and seminars content given in English as well as handle and produce documentation. |
CT2.- | Ability to energize and lead cross-disciplinary work teams. |
CT3.- | Ability to adopt creative solutions, which appropriately meet the different requirements. |
CT4.- | Ability to work effectively as an individual, organise and plan their own tasks, either independently or as a member of a team. |
CT5.- | Ability to manage information, identify the required sources, the main types of technical and scientific documents, in a proper and efficient manner. |
CT6.- | Ability to make judgments regarding economic, administrative, social, ethical and environmental implications related to the application of their knowledge. |
CT7.- | Ability to work in international environments. |
Specific Competences
CE1.- Ability to define and design systems of air traffic navigation aids.
CE2.- Ability to design airspace, airways; arrival, departure and approach procedures; and volume of controlled airspace.
CE3.- Ability to build and assess operational safeguarding and aerodrome and radio electric obstacle limitation safeguarding.
CE4.- Adequate knowledge of the aircraft electronic systems, particularly those related to flight management system, information presentation systems and airborne software.
CE5.- Adequate knowledge of Simulation and Control techniques used in air navigation.
CE6.- Adequate knowledge of Wave Propagation and the communication links issues with ground-based stations.
CE7.- Ability to design communications, navigation and surveillance systems used in Air Navigation Systems.
CE8.- Adequate knowledge of Aeronautical Information and Communications Technologies.
CE9.- Adequate knowledge of air navigation and air traffic Regulations and ability to certify systems that make up the Air Navigation System.
CE10.- Ability to carry out Airport Master Plans.
CE11.- Ability to perform projects and to lead the construction of the infrastructure, buildings and airport facilities.
CE12.- Ability to Plan, Design, Build and Manage Airports.
CE13.- Ability to Plan, Design, Project and Build Airport Electrical Equipment.
CE14.- Adequate knowledge of Air Transport Management.
CE15.- Understanding and mastery of National and International Aeronautical Organisation and operation of different means of the world transport system, with special emphasis on air transport.
CE16.- Adequate knowledge of Geodesy, Topography and Cartography disciplines applied to the airport and its infrastructure design.
CE17.- Adequate knowledge of Geotechnics discipline applied to the airport and its infrastructure design.
CE18.- Ability to carry out Airport Certification.
CE19.- Knowledge, understanding and ability to apply the mathematical foundations required to the security analysis for complex systems.
CE20.- Knowledge of principles, requirements, criteria and methods for air transport system safety management.
CES1.- Ability to design, plan, implement, improve and audit safety management systems.
CES2.- Ability to carry out safety investigations by applying reactive, proactive and predictive systems for collecting and analysing safety data and causal models for safety accidents and incidents.
CES3.- Ability to analyse the influence of human factors, applying analysis of human reliability techniques and designing strategies to control, mitigate or eliminate human errors while designing, operating and maintaining air transport systems.
CES4.- Ability to identify hazards and evaluate risks, determine objectives and safety requirements and guarantee safety standards during the development, implementation, operation and maintenance and withdrawal of complex systems operation.
CES5.- Ability to model and quantify collision risks within different air transport operation scenarios.
CES6.- Knowing and understanding base principles and criteria for civil aviation security and protection.
CEA1.- Analyse needs and functionalities of electrical systems applicable in air transport means.
CEA2.- Implement regulations and organisational methodology in the air transport industry with respect to quality, occupational safety and environment.
CEA3.- In-deep knowledge of forecasting techniques and demand behavioural assessment, integrate different elements influencing the air transport means.
CEA4.- Evaluate the impact of actions related to air transport on the environment in which they operate, and propose measures to guarantee sustainability and integration.
CEA5.- Know the impact of the own resources planning upon an airline operation.
CEA6.- Ability to analyse the airport operation and propose measures and actions to optimise infrastructures operation.
CEG1.- Ability to plan, design, validate and implement flight procedures and define the airspace volumes that best allow their management.
CEG2.- Ability to analyse and find a trade-off between capacity and demand regarding different elements constituting the Air Navigation System.
CEG3.- Ability to analyse the aircraft performance the operational environment in which they operate in order to predict their trajectories at any flight phase.
CEG4.- Ability to define operational, functional and technical requirements that allow aircraft trajectories synchronisation in order to optimize airspace use.
CEG5.- Understand the issue of separation of aircraft with regard to different hazards and ability to define the operational, functional and technical requirements of systems involved in the different layers of separation management.
CEG6.- Ability to define validation requirements of new developments to be implemented in Air Traffic Management. Definition of validation plan, execution of validation tests and results interpretation.
CEG7.- Ability to analyse and define activities and responsibilities assigned to human beings participating in Air Traffic Management as well as their effect on errors, incidents and accidents, identifying mitigating measures. Ability to define the "human-machine interface" appropriate for different processes involved in Air Traffic Management.
CEI1.- Ability to analyse, dimension and design electrical power systems in aerospace vehicles.
CEI2.- Ability to model and design flight and attitude control systems for aerospace vehicles.
CEI3.- Adequate knowledge of discrete control systems and ability to design and implement them into microprocessor- or microcontroller-based systems.
CEI4.- Ability to design and integrate airborne electronic systems regarding hardware and software aspects. Knowledge of aircraft certification regulations and maintenance of airborne systems.
CEI5.- Knowledge of information transmission techniques, results treatment and exploitation of ground and airborne multisensor systems.
CEI6.- Ability to design, optimize and integrate complex systems.
CEI7.- Knowledge of the different modelling and simulation techniques used for aerospace systems analysis.
CETFM.- To conduct, present and defend the Final Master Project once obtained all syllabus credits The oral defence will be before a university panel. The project has to be an original work carried out individually, being a comprehensive Aeronautical Engineering work of professional nature summarising the acquired competences.