QUALIFICATION FOR PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITY. Based on their education, those holding the Master's Degree in Aeronautical Engineering (MUIA) by the UPM would have sufficient knowledge and skills for exercising the regulated profession of Aeronautical Engineer as set out in Order CIN/312/2009, of 9 February.
GENERAL EDUCATION: MUIA's graduates will acquire general competences of the aeronautical engineering field, which also include having the basic knowledge for its application in a research context; problem solving within new environments, ability to communicate conclusions to specialised and non-specialised audiences, integration of knowledge for making judgments and reflections with social and ethical responsibilities and taking into account environmental protection while performing their activities.
SPECIFIC EDUCATION: Among the competences acquired by the graduates, it may be highlighted those specific for each speciality according to the curriculum, which refers to: aerospace vehicles, their testing and certification; propulsion systems, test stands and their certification; air navigation and air traffic systems, avionics and the certification of such systems and airport engineering and aviation organisation, air transport and airport certification. Furthermore, there is the competence acquired while the students conduct, present and defend their Final Master's Project.
CROSS-CURRICULAR COMPETENCES: These competences are becoming increasingly important in the professional exercise, and for that reason, the UPM does focus on them and includes the acquisition of these competences during the Master's training. Graduates will have the ability to understand the content in English, lead cross-functional work teams, work effectively both individually and as a member of a team, manage technical and scientific documents drawing on the proper sources, in order to find creative solutions and work in different international environments.
ON-GOING EDUCATION: They will acquire learning skills allowing them to further study independently, so they may complete their academic education by accessing to doctoral programmes.
In short, a Master's graduates in Aeronautical Engineering by the UPM are professionally trained to develop all those activities related to the professional qualification officially recognised by the relevant regulation, in a responsible and effective manner.